THE Ellacap WAY

We have purpose-built our approach, so that your experience Selling is incredible …

  • We would like the Sellers of the INCREDIBLE businesses we buy to stay involved in day-to-day operations post-sale as much (or as little) as they would like. We offer a full range of exit (or non-exit) possibilities with full or partial cash out optionality.

  • Our proprietary Sell-Buy Process is intentionally designed to get straight to the point (as quickly as possible): whether you would like to sell to us & whether we would like to buy. You will receive complementary access to our Acquisition Planning platform making our Sell-Buy Process even easier.

  • We do not like complicated. We offer straightforward deal structures and simple, concise deal documents (that do not take days to read). We strive to close transactions as quickly as possible.

  • We are committed to ensuring you can confidently hand over the keys - when you are ready. We speak the language of the INCREDIBLE businesses we buy. We’re leaders & managers, operators & executors. We have been there, done that. And we’ve got the dirty steel-toed boots to prove it.